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Showing 290 results for 'gold standard'
Gold Standard PBL: Design Elements

Gold Standard PBL: Essential Project Design Elements

An overview of the 7 Essential Project Design Elements in the PBLWorks model for Gold Standard PBL. Adapted from “Gold Standard PBL: The Essential Project Design Elements” white paper by John Larmer and John Mergendoller (2015).
kids displaying their PBL project
Gold Standard PBL: Design Elements

Gold Standard PBL: Public Product

PBLWorks National Faculty members discuss the importance of making students' work public, both during a project and at the end, and give examples of connecting with outside experts.
PBL teacher in interview, talking

Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Videos

These videos focus on how teachers work with students to organize tasks and schedules, set checkpoints and deadlines, find and use resources, create products and make them public.
Two female PBL Students in a discussion

Gold Standard PBL Videos

These 7- to 10-minute videos show examples of Gold Standard PBL projects in action – across many grade levels, subject areas, and