Watch Gold Standard PBL in Action

These 7- to 10-minute videos show examples of Gold Standard PBL projects in action – across many grade levels, subject areas, and settings. 

Each shows four phases of the project...

  1. The launch (entry event and driving question) 
  2. Building knowledge and skills
  3. Developing products and answers to the driving question
  4. Presenting products and answers to the driving question

They capture the nuts and bolts of a PBL unit from beginning to end. Let's get started!

VIDEO: March Through Nashville

This project features Kimberly Head-Trotter of McKissack Middle School, in Nashville, TN, with her 6th grade ELA/History class.

VIDEO: Finance Project

This project features Telannia Norfar and her high school math class at Northwest Classen High School in Oklahoma City, OK.

VIDEO: The Revolutions Project

This project features Erin Brandvold and her high school world history class from the Impact Academy of Arts and Technology in Hayward, CA.

Yes, we provide PBL training for educators!

PBLWorks offers a variety of PBL workshops, courses and services for teachers, school and district leaders, and instructional coaches - whether you're just getting started or advancing your practice.

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