covers of two new books

We’re proud to announce a new arrival... PBLWorks has just published two books: Project Based Learning Handbook for Elementary School and Project Based Learning Handbook for Middle and High School. We think you’ll like them.

The new handbooks contain practical guidance for teachers, whether they are new to PBL or veterans who want to pick up some new tips and ideas for designing and implementing projects.

These new volumes are the successors to our popular PBL Toolkit book series (2009-2017) — now updated as our work with Project Based Learning continues to evolve. In the new handbooks, there’s a stronger emphasis on educational equity and PBL. Plus, you’ll find a substantial amount of advice for using PBL in remote or hybrid learning contexts.

Those of you who have followed our blog in recent years or participated in one of our workshops may recognize a few greatest hits in the books. And you’ll see a lot of fresh material on a variety of topics. They’re packed!

The chapters in each handbook follow the Project Based Teaching Practices in our model for Gold Standard PBL.

You’ll find classroom-tested advice and strategies for:

  • Designing and Planning a Project
  • Aligning to Standards
  • Building the Culture
  • Managing Activities
  • Assessing Student Learning
  • Scaffolding Student Learning
  • Engaging and Coaching Students

The introduction is a comprehensive overview of the what and why of PBL, and discusses your role as a PBL teacher and the latest research findings on PBL.

It also features:

  • Why PBL aligns with social-emotional learning and educational equity
  • Examples of grade-specific projects, in various subject areas
  • PBL Pro Tips, with advice from veteran PBL teachers
  • Remote/hybrid learning tips, with tech tools
  • Guidance for teaching literacy in PBL—especially in the book for elementary school teachers

Some of you who’ve been at the PBL game for many years may remember the other Project Based Learning Handbook published by the Buck Institute for Education from 2003-2009. That was the second edition; the first edition was published in 1999, a three-ring binder complete with—remember these?—floppy disks containing rubrics and student handouts. These new books are in that same tradition of quality and readability.

These new books were written by a team of PBL experts and classroom teachers.

They were led by former PBLWorks editor in chief John Larmer, and included members of the National Faculty: Eric White, Erin Brandvold, Feroze Munshi (high school team); Honor Moorman, James Fester and Heather Wolpert-Gawron (middle school team); and Myla Lee, Debbie Clemente, and Angela Marzilli (elementary school team). Staff members Laureen Adams and Sarah Field also contributed. Thanks to all for a job well done!

Learn more about the PBL Handbooks

Get the PBL Handbook for Elementary School – $29.95

Get the PBL Handbook for Middle & High School – $29.95

Project Based Learning Handbook for Elementary School and Project Based Learning Handbook for Middle and High School are available now in the PBLWorks store.

John is an education consultant and writer. He was the editor in chief at PBLWorks for many years.