Our Vision
At PBLWorks, our vision is for all students, especially Black and Brown students, to engage in high quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life.
Our Vision
At PBLWorks, our vision is for all students, especially Black and Brown students, to engage in high quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life.
What we do
Our exclusive focus is Project Based Learning. Why? Because PBL advances educational equity and empowers youth furthest from opportunity. We believe PBL is transformative for all kids. Through PBL, students engage in learning that is deep, long-lasting, and relevant to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit. Research confirms this.
Our services, tools, and research are designed to build the capacity of K-12 teachers to design and facilitate quality Project Based Learning, and the capacity of school leaders to create a culture for teachers to implement great projects with all students.
We are current and former educators with experience in PBL and deep respect for teachers. We strive to offer an unrivaled level of service to guide educators in their journey toward a sustained, high-quality PBL practice.
Our shared values and beliefs deeply influence the work that we do.
Our Impact
Since 1999, we have offered professional development in Project Based Learning (PBL) to teachers and leaders at the school and district levels. Our core beliefs about high quality PBL are based on our collective experience of seeing what is possible for all students, especially Black and Brown students. Learn more about PBLWorks by viewing our Annual Reports, with our most recent report spotlighted below:

Our Mission
At PBLWorks, we build the capacity of teachers to design and facilitate quality Project Based Learning and the capacity of school and system leaders to set the conditions for teachers to implement great projects with all students.
Our Beliefs
We hold the following beliefs, which speak directly to the reasons why we are committed to our vision:
- Project Based Learning transforms students by inspiring them to think differently about themselves as learners, collaborators, and leaders.
- Project Based Learning prepares students for academic, personal, and career success; what’s more, it readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit.
- Project Based Learning leads students to master core academic content and builds critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, and self-management skills.
- Project Based Learning advances educational equity and empowers youth furthest from opportunity.
- Project Based Learning enables teachers to make a difference in their students’ lives—academically, socially, and emotionally—and to experience the joy of teaching.
Our Values
At PBLWorks, we hold these core values about how we work:
- Act with Integrity. We are honest and adhere to strong moral and mission driven principles in all of our endeavors. We have direct and productive conversations with our colleagues in BIE and with our partners.
- Racial Equity: We identify and work to dismantle racial inequities in all facets of our work. We foster inclusivity to honor our diverse community. We apply what we learn about racial equity so that we model the changes we seek in school systems, schools, and classrooms.
- Collaborate productively. We believe collaboration creates synergy and richer solutions. We seek the expertise of others to ensure our work is most effective. We work in teams as needed, and consider the consequences of our decision for others. We make and keep agreements and demonstrate our respect for our colleagues and partners.
- Strive for Quality. We are committed to working at the highest possible standard in service of our internal and external partners and to the field of education. We hold ourselves accountable for delivering on our commitments.
- Persist in Learning. We are courageous, innovative and take calculated risks in achieving our mission. We consider failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. We are reflective and persistent in our learning.

Our Commitment to Racial Equity in Education
In partnership with Marin Promise, we share a vision of racial equity for all students.
Racial equity for students in Marin will be achieved when race and ethnicity no longer predict the outcome of a young person's educational future.
As a Marin Promise Partner, our organization commits to identify and dismantle racial inequities, and provide equity-based supports, so that our most vulnerable children can achieve their full potential.
Learn more about Our Racial Equity Imperative.
Address for Check Payments
Important Update: New Address for Sending Check Payments
If you need to send check payments to PBLWorks, please note our new mailing address for non-express mail checks:
Buck Institute of Education
PO Box 843226
Los Angeles, CA 90084-3226
Meet our staff
We are passionate about learning and advancing educational equity for all students. Get to know the people behind PBLWorks!

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If you care about transforming young people’s lives and helping educators do amazing work, we want to work with you!

Meet our faculty
Our 70+ National Faculty are a hand-picked group of seasoned teachers, administrators, coaches, and PBL experts.